
cod: EV_14-230346


According to 196/03 law, the collected data will be only used to inform customers about 3e60 S.r.l. activities and will be considered secret. Data introduction is optional, but we can’t give services without personal information. Owner of data treatment is 3e60 S.r.l. - Padova - Italy


cod: EV_14-230346

Engage-towers are innovative, high-tech tools for involving and interacting with customers and prospects, within any type of event and marketing activation. Just passing in front of the monitor, a personalized "Call to action" is automatically generated with an augmented reality system, based on gender, age and other data.

We create several personalized "Calls to action" for each macro target, to maximize response and interaction. After the first interaction, participants can activate several completely customized options.

They can discover the world and the dynamics of the brand, they can have information on events, competitions, sporting events and they can participate in games and activations in real-time, with an articulated gamification system.

The ways of interacting with this communication tool are endless and can be fully customized according to the communication strategy, target and objectives. The Engage-towers, developed by 3e60events, offer different imaging solutions, for photo opportunities or video interactions. All of these solutions enrich the experience, support data collection and improve the brand experience. We can develop customized Engage-towers, for the distribution of product sampling or gadgets.

The entire business is shareable through social media and offers an endless blend of marketing solutions

For more details: info@3e60events.com

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