
cod: EV_454749


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cod: EV_454749

What it is: Action-reaction is a multi-sport, innovative and technological simulator. Action-reaction is a highly engaging and easy to use structure. Thanks to the customization of the software, the simulator allows you to try your hand at different game possibilities with increasing levels of difficulty. Action-reaction can be used for engagement and experiential activities that can be combined with different sports disciplines: tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, martial arts and any sport where speed and coordination are needed. Action-reaction can also be used for corporate events, team-building and entertainment activities in general. It is possible to rent the simulator which can be combined on the network allowing more players to participate simultaneously. Action-reaction is exclusive to 3e60events.

How it works: the participants compete in a race of speed in which, in the shortest possible time, they must complete the course. Each time a coloured button lights up, participants will have to turn it off by pressing it, a new button will light up and, the players will have to deactivate it, again, until all buttons have been deactivated, as quickly as possible.

Dynamic: Visitors can register and take part in activities. In this way, it is possible to create statistics with the turnout data. Each player has a variable number of attempts at his disposal, based on the settings defined by the client. It is possible to set up video supports where participants can view the various rankings after each game session.

Technical logistical details: the dimensions of the area may vary unlike if the structure is used with the self-supporting support: 080 x 950 x 1950 (h) cm, or if it is mounted on the wall: 1700 x 130 x 1950 (h)
cm. Action-reaction needs a standard power supply. Action-reaction is transportable with a limited number of packages in a single vehicle.

Technical features

. Width: 2 m . Length: 1 m . Power supply: 1 x 220V / 16 A . Height: 2 m . Worker: 1 . Weight: 55 kg . Required space: 2 x 1 x 2 (h) m . Operators: 1 . Set-up timing: 1 hour

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