3e60 events, Ideas, Malls, Extreme Tower EV, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Extreme Tower EV cod: EV4FC550 > Extreme Tower EV cod: EV4FC550

3e60 events, Ideas, Extreme games, Xtreme-swing, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Xtreme-swing cod: EV_17-200109 > Xtreme-swing cod: EV_17-200109 Xtreme-swing is the latest generation engagement activity, one of the most fun and engaging. ... The range of attractions of 3e60events is unique and is the answer to every need for an Extreme Games-themed event.

3e60 events, Ideas, Extreme games, Surf-attack, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Surf-attack cod: EV_14073 SURF SIMULATOR SURF SIMULATOR SURF SIMULATOR SURF SIMULATOR SURF SIMULATOR > Surf-attack cod: EV_14073 The Surf-attack is an experiential activity for events, able to transport the participants in the middle of an exciting race in the waves.

3e60 events, Ideas, Extreme games, Car-jump, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Car-jump cod: EV_14018 > Car-jump cod: EV_14018 Car-jump is a special solution, capable of binding a brand and a vehicle to the concepts of emotion, adrenaline and, at the same time, to safety.

3e60 events, Ideas, Extreme games, Xtreme-jump, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Xtreme-jump cod: EV_14371 > Xtreme-jump cod: EV_14371 The Xtreme-jump is an adrenaline-pumping and impactful structure!

3e60 events, Ideas, Extreme games, Fly-power, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Fly-power cod: EV_14371 Strong visual impact Shows sky diving Hospitality area Engagement Pure excitement Cusmomizable Special set-up Flying dynamics Customisable set-up Special projects Team-building event Flexible Sky diving safely Fly in total safety Entertainment Promotional event > Fly-power cod: EV_14371 [...]

Ideas, Automotive, Motorbikes engagement, Motorbike-freestyle-simulator, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Automotive > Motorbikes engagement Motorbike-freestyle-simulator cod: EV_14293 Strong engagement Entertaining Ready, steady, go Make room for imagination and creativity. ... This simulator represents the perfect support for the creation of "extreme" photos on board the simulator soaring on a single wheel. The [...]

3e60 events, Ideas, Extreme games, Twist-360, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Twist-360 Twist-360 is an innovative tool for events Twist-360 is an innovative tool for events Twist-360 is an innovative tool for events Twist-360 is an innovative tool for events Twist-360 is an innovative tool for events Twist-360 is an innovative tool for events > Twist-360 Cos'è:  [...]

3e60 events, Ideas, Extreme games, Jumbo-ball bowling, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Jumbo-ball bowling > Jumbo-ball bowling Cos'è:  il "Jumbo-ball bowling" è un’attività d’engagement di ultima generazione, tra le più divertenti e coinvolgenti. ... La gamma delle attrazioni di 3e60events è unica ed è la [...]

3e60 events, Ideas, Extreme games, Adventure-tower-double, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Extreme games Adventure-tower-double cod: EV_14039 Di forte comunicazione Flessibile e dinamico Divertente e coinvolgente Personalizzabile > Adventure-tower-double cod: EV_14039 Cos'è:  Adventure-tower-double è uno strumento di interazione con ospiti e prospect, intorno al quale possono essere create [...]

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