Wood Furniture

Maria Montessori's interest in space and furnishings dates from 1907: already in her first book there were drawings illustrating the first tables she proposed to replace old and traditional banks of desk.
Her proposal was based on the principle that the environment could welcome each day children and parents into a place designed for them, friendly, aesthetically beautiful and harmonious.

She thought that furnishings would have a light color, be lightweight to allow easy movements, and have consistent dimentions among different elements and respectful of the size of the child in order to favour independence and safety.
A space that corresponds to the child's need for help me to do it alone.
It was from this principle that was born the wooden furniture line we decided to porpose, completed then by very important details to ensure kid's safety: no sharp edges or roughness, rounded exposed parts, cushioned handles and pinch-protected joints.
The assembly of tables and cabinets does not require the use of glue and feets are adjustable in height.
Our ultimate goal is the need to promote the game in all its forms, with the availability of materials and opportunities for exploration, discovery, problem solving and expression.
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