How turn a children's bathroom into a fairy tale, 3e60fun-games News, Media

From the "contruction" point of view, the choice must be made taking into account the following elements: • arrangement of spaces that can be easily adapted to the intended use; • spaces completely accessible to disabled people; • rooms with good ventilation and brightness (compliant with hygiene regulations on aero-illuminating ratios) We want to show you now how we [...]

Ciamby's World, 3e60fun-games News, Media

A fantasy world that has become reality thanks to the ability and imagination of the artists and designers of 3e60fun-games: the world of Ciamby! ... Location Location Making of - Themed wall decorations Themed wall decorations Set up themed sculptures Themed wall decorations Making of themed sculptures Making of themed sculptures Setup themed [...]

eventi, inflatables, events structures supplier

We design and create play areas and theme parks using innovative products such as the Playground, tailor made structures according to the clients’ needs. ... We pay a significant attention to details, we add 3D scenic elements and most of all, our structures are developed using the highest security standards. ... Thanks to the creativity, geniusness, [...]

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