3e60 events, Ideas, Kids, Kids-auto-design-center, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Kids Kids-auto-design-center cod: EV_19-300145 AUTO DESIGN ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY AUTO DESIGN ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY AUTO DESIGN ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY AUTO DESIGN ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY > Kids-auto-design-center cod: EV_19-300145 The [...]

3e60 events, Ideas, Kids, Kids-auto-test-center, events structures supplier

Catalog > 3e60 events > Ideas > Kids Kids-auto-test-center cod: EV_19-300146 > Kids-auto-test-center cod: EV_19-300146 The Kids-auto-test-center, by 3e60events, is a multi-disciplinary container of educational solutions aimed at children. The Kids-auto-test-center brings together various educational programs, game formats, [...]

Ideas, Automotive, Automotive engagement, Pit-stop-challenge, events structures supplier

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